

Thank you - Open House and Fundraiser Fun

Thank you - Open House and Fundraiser Fun

We want to thank everyone who came out for our Open House and Fundraiser! We had over 30 people come out, including area vets and vet techs, to support K9 Paw Print Rescue and learn more about Veterinary Healing and Advanced Imaging. We really hope this helped people learn what we are about, see how powerful our Vimago CT imaging can be, and get to know us a little better.

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2119 Hits

Open House Benefiting K9 Paw Print Rescue - Wednesday, November 8!

Open House Benefiting K9 Paw Print Rescue - Wednesday, November 8!

We are excited to be partnering with a great rescue, K9 Paw Print Rescue, to raise funds that will help them do their work. Nicole and I hope you can join us for this fun evening. We will have a silent auction (Wine, locally roasted coffee, spa packages, and more!) to support the rescue, free hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

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2226 Hits

Harnessing the Healing Power of Platelets

Harnessing the Healing Power of Platelets

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is a non-surgical treatment option that promotes long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. The acronym "PRP" has been all over the news with the rising popularity of the treatment among professional athletes and recreational athletes. However, what is not mentioned in the news is this revolutionary treatment is available to animals too.

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2268 Hits

When Would a CAT (CT) Scan Help My Pet (or Patient)?

Veterinarians and pet owners in the San Francisco Bay Area now have Cat Scan (CT) available for routine use in diagnosis of pet health issues. New Technology has made CAT Scans accessible, affordable and more advanced than normal. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging, a East Bay resource, has the EPICA Vimago Computed Tomography device. The Vimago renders CT images at superior resolution compared to more expensive devices yet at affordable cost to the client.

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Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging, a San Francisco Bay Area Veterinary resource, has recently treated Kelly, a 12 year old miniature dachshund whose owner had inadvertently spilled hot soup straight off the stove and onto her head and neck causing 2nd and 3rd degree burns. After two weeks her Veterinarian was seeing no improvement treating the blistered ear and neck that resulted from the accident and referred Kelly for a High Intensity Laser Therapy Kelly showed marked improvement after just two High Intensity Laser treatments and healed in just two weeks! See photos below!



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CAT scans for Cats in the San Francisco Bay Area

CAT scans for Cats in the San Francisco Bay Area

Now Veterinarians and pet owners in the San Francisco Bay area have access to Accessible, Affordable and Advanced CAT scan imaging for their pets. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging is a San Francisco Bay Area Veterinary resource located in Pleasant Hill, CA. CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) is a preferred diagnostic tool in human medicine but until recently has not a realistic option for imaging pets. The small number of CAT scan devices out in the field for Veterinary use are in specialty practices and are generally not accessible to most Veterinary practitioners. New technology has introduced superior, yet affordable CAT scan machines that are accessible. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging employs the Epica Vimago advanced CAT scan machine at its Pleasant Hill, CA location. 

CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) or CT (Computed Tomography) are x-ray devices that take many thin "slices" of target anatomy in a study. Powerful processing by the device's computer reconstruct the data obtained and render the x-ray slices in three dimensions. Unlike a traditional x-ray which "flattens" the body tissue in overlying layers, CAT scan studies allow viewing all anatomical details in three dimensions. Information obtained can be analyzed after the study is complete which allows the user to see all tissues from every angle without overlap. The image quality and the information obtained are of far higher quality than traditional x-ray.

Coronal Plane   Axial Plane   Transverse Plane
      Coronal Plane view                                                            Axial Plane View                                   Sagittal Plane View


CT Scans can also be rendered in 3D, and different tissue types stripped away to look at a full 3D image, which can then be used for surgical planning, 3D printing as shown with this Parrot, and many other applications.

3D Cat in a CAT Scan

  MIP projection

CAT scans are useful for examination of the head, including the sinuses and dentition, the middle and inner ear, brain, bones, spine, chest and abdomen and joints. Veterinarians or pet owners can call Veterinary Healing and Advanced Imaging direct for their pet's CAT scan appointment. Same day appointments may be available. CAT scans are generally quick procedures but do require sedation or light anesthesia to perform.

Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging is located in Pleasant Hill, CA. 1945 Contra Costa Blvd Suite B, Pleasant Hill CA 94523 925-265-8385. We are convenient to Highways 680, 24 and 242.

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3512 Hits

Shelby Update: High Intensity Laser Therapy Success Story in the Bay Area

Shelby Update: High Intensity Laser Therapy Success Story in the Bay Area

  In a previous blog post we told you about our patient Shelby who after an injury lost the use of her hind legs. You can see for yourself in this video that Shelby is doing well! We are so happy that Shelby is able to romp and play with her family again after only a few sessions of treatment.   


If you think your pet could benefit from this therapy, tell your veterinarian about our service and give us a call. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging is located in Pleasant Hill, CA. 1945 Contra Costa Blvd Ste B, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, ph 925-265-8385.

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2439 Hits

Alternative Pain Relief Options for San Francisco Bay Area Pets

Alternative Pain Relief Options for San Francisco Bay Area Pets

No pet owner wishes to see their pet suffer pain or reduced mobility and function as the result of conditions such as osteoarthritis, hip or elbow dysplasia, injuries including burns, fractures, recent surgery, traumas such as bite/fight wounds, vehicle mishaps, spinal disc protrusions, or other acute or chronic conditions. Veterinary Healing and Advanced Imaging in Pleasant Hill, CA offers Alternative Pain Management strategies for pets and their owners looking for safe, beneficial and effective non-drug pet pain options.

How do we define pain in animals? The answer lies in how we define pain in humans, who are capable of communicating what they feel. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP; defines "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage". How does perception of pain get from damaged tissues to the brain? The answer lies in Nociceptors, which are detectors found in skin, muscles, joints and viscera (internal organs). The stimuli that activate Nociceptors are not the same in all tissues but in general include Thermal, Mechanical and Chemical stimuli. Chemical stimuli to Nociceptors include a bombardment of a cascade of inflammatory mediators released by tissues responding to insult and injury. Basically a "Call to Help". The end result of all Noxious stimuli is the activation of spinal cord and brain pathways and programmed reactions to these stimuli. Some reactions are instant and include acute aversive (pulling away) responses, yet others can induce chronic (long term) responses that basically reprogram the Central Nervous System to issue constant Pain perception responses.

Traditional management strategies for pain span millennia with many cultural approaches to pain. Western medicine has focused on Drug therapy for pain management as pathways Inflammatory Mediators use can be disrupted or altered, reducing pain perception, but not without potential side effects on other organs. Older (sometimes Ancient) remedies often fail to match Western remedies in their effectiveness. NEW remedies in the treatment of Acute and Chronic pain have arrived and show great promise. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging in Pleasant Hill, CA offers 1064 nanometer High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) and Platelet Rich Plasma infusion treatments as New Alternative Strategies and Non-Drug Management of Pain in Pets, which show great potential for relief of pain and inflammation over other Drug and non-Drug strategies for management of acute and chronic pain in animals.


Laser Therapy at 1064 nanometer wavelength offers an amazing new Window into the body for delivery of powerful light energy to tissues enabling reduction in Inflammation. Increased circulation results through the cellular release of Nitric Oxide which in turn, reduces swelling and edema and stimulates healing through increased cellular activities. Artemis is a unique Laser Therapeutic device that, through a Q-Switch mechanism, delivers powerful light energy significantly deeper into tissue than low power lasers thus allowing its powerful Anti-inflammatory and Regenerative effects to be delivered to more tissues and organs in need.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is another natural (Non-Drug) way to combat inflammation and relieve pain in pets through use of the body's own mechanisms for defense and repair. Platelets, long-known for their ability to stimulate clotting when blood vessels are compromised, also possess over 250 natural growth and healing factors that are simultaneously released when platelets reach their injured target. These same growth and healing factors work wonders when delivered to other sites of injury and inflammation and can be useful to trigger accelerated healing and pain relief when delivered to these targets. In a relatively simple process, a patient's own blood is collected and processed in a two step process to separate blood cells from the Plasma and, again, to separate the Platelet poor plasma from the Platelet Rich Plasma, which is then injected into targets needing relief of inflammation and stimulation of healing. Remarkable and speedy results have been seen with Platelet Rich Plasma infusion to speed healing in Professional Athletes. At Veterinary Healing and Imaging, we bring this exceptional healing strategy to pet athletes and other pets with injuries and debilitations that prevent them from leading normal, active, pain-free lives: and all without drugs! Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging is located in Pleasant Hill, CA. 1945 Contra Costa Blvd Ste B, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, ph 925-265-8385

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2325 Hits

Paralyzed East Bay Canine Successfully treated with High Intensity Laser Therapy

Paralyzed East Bay Canine Successfully treated with High Intensity Laser Therapy

An 11 & 1/2 year old San Franscisco East Bay canine became paralyzed recently as she was attempting to squeeze through a closing door. Shelby, a female dachshund became weak and eventually went down, unable to use her rear legs. Her family were heartbroken as Shelby is a beloved pet who has always entertained with her antics and squirrel chasing. Seeing Shelby drag herself around was almost more than the family could take. Shelby's owners immediately took her to their local vet who sent them straight away to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation.

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1956 Hits

Sports Medicine strategy for San Francisco Bay Area Dogs: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Sports Medicine strategy for San Francisco Bay Area Dogs: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

San Francisco Bay Area Dogs have access to many of the key and natural strategies being used for athletic, joint and soft tissue injuries. A key therapeutic option for the injured canine patient (with joint, tendon, ligament or other soft tissue injury) now includes Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP). Dogs with hereditary problems such as elbow dysplasia (a condition in which the elbow does not articulate properly leading to pain and inflammation) or acquired disorders such as crippling osteoarthritis can benefit from PRP. Tendons and injured ligaments, which heal very slowly, can be coaxed into healing much more quickly with Platelet Rich Plasma therapy.

PRP is a therapy that uses the patient's own blood that when collected and processed, is separated from its red and white blood cell components to yield Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP is then injected into injured areas to jump start healing and regeneration of tissues. All of this can be performed without worry of infection or disease as it is the patient's OWN PRP that is used for the purpose.


Platelets are remarkable little disc shaped cell fragments that are produced in the bone marrow along with red and white blood cells. Their primary purpose is for clot formation when there has been blood vessel injury and for stimulation of repair of damaged blood vessels. Platelets are loaded with at least 250 Growth Factors and Cytokines that trigger healing and tissue regeneration when injected into damaged tissues elsewhere in the body.


Once delivered to an area of interest or injury PRP stimulates a mild inflammatory response which attracts migrating macrophages. The macrophages get busy cleaning up cellular debris and get the injured area ready for healing. Blood vessels starting growing to provide nutrition, stem cells are attracted and begin differentiating into needed tissue types and fibroblasts arrive and start building the scaffolding for tissues to regenerate.


Numerous orthopedic and soft tissue conditions benefit from the delivery of Platelet Rich Plasma.The collection and processing of blood for the                                       enrichment of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) can take as little as 30 minutes.

Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging offers Platelet Rich Plasma therapy for pets at it's Pleasant Hill, CA location. Convenient to Bay Area freeways 680, 24 and 242, Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging performs PRP infusions for dogs and cats on an outpatient basis. 

Platelet Rich Plasma 3 minute video

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3238 Hits

Computed Tomography (CT) and Laser Therapy for Pets in the San Francisco Bay Area

Computed Tomography (CT) and Laser Therapy for Pets in the San Francisco Bay Area

San Francisco Bay Area Veterinarians and their patients can now enjoy direct access to sophisticated Imaging and Healing Technologies at Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging in Pleasant Hill, CA.


Thanks to new technologies, practicing Veterinarians can now add Computed Tomography (CT) for pet diagnostic imaging to their everyday diagnostic tool kit. Up until now CT for dog and cats was rarely performed as Veterinary CT has been relatively inaccessible and expensive. Veterinary Healing and Advanced Imaging uses the new Epica™ Vimago™ Veterinary CT scanner, a remarkable High Tech solution that has reinvented Veterinary CT  imaging and made CT for pets practical and affordable. The Vimago™ allows the user to capture regular 2D radiographs, perform Veterinary Fluoroscopy studies (video x-ray for pets) as well as full Computed Tomography for pets in stunning detail. With 3D voxel resolution to 90 microns the Vimago™ brings unparalleled detail to skull, bone, abdominal and thoracic pet imaging. Now Veterinarians in the San Francisco Bay Area can refer their patients for advanced CT Imaging and use the imaging findings for everyday case management. Pet owners looking for cost-effective CT for pets now have a means to obtain the diagnostic imaging their pets need. Accessible, Affordable and Advanced Veterinary CT is now just a phone call or email request away. In many cases, same day appointments are available.

sad dog

Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging offers Laser Therapy for Pets uses the Epica™ Artemis™ Veterinary Laser Therapy device. The Artemis™ is a High Intensity Laser Therapy unit. It delivers energy in the form of Infrared light at a unique 1064 nanometer wavelength. This allows Artemis light energy to penetrate 15 cm or more into the body, causing reduction of inflammation, stimulation of healing and tissue regeneration. The Artemis™ High Intensity laser can stimulate healing much more effectively than more common low level laser devices. Pets with inflammation anywhere (arthritic joints, soft tissues, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, non-healing wounds, surgical injuries, burns) benefit from the special healing capabilities of High Intensity Laser Therapy. (HILT for pets).


Ask about our Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for Pets, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Pets and MRI for Bay Area Pets.


Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging

1945 Contra Costa Blvd Suite B  

Pleasant Hill, CA




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CT for Pets: Accessible, Affordable Advanced Imaging for Bay Area Pets

CT for Pets: Accessible, Affordable Advanced Imaging for Bay Area Pets

Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging, a San Francisco Bay Area Veterinary service, announces the availability of the Epica™ Vimago™ Computed Tomography (CT) machine. The Epica™ Vimago™ brings Accessible, Affordable Advanced Imaging to Veterinarians and pet owners in the Bay Area. CT studies provide much more information and unique ways of viewing anatomical structures from every conceivable angle than standard Imaging with radiographs (x-ray) and ultrasound (U/S). Up until now, Advanced Imaging for pets has been restricted to institutional use, inaccessible to practicing Veterinarians and, for many pet owners, simply not affordable. New Technology has made Advanced Image acquisition for pets part of a Veterinarian's routine diagnostic tool kit and considerably more cost-effective than older Technologies.

Vimago CT study
Capturing and 3D render

The Epica™ Vimago™ is a highly sophisticated robotic multi-modality machine that may be the world's most advanced veterinary imaging device. By providing image resolution down to 0.09 mm the Vimago™ engineers have reinvented Computed Tomography. With Vimago™ CT studies are easy to obtain, and affordable for Veterinarians and pet owners. Soft tissue contrast resolution easily exceeds radiographs (x-ray) and 3D modeling can allow patients to be viewed from every angle: even from inside out! The Vimago™ functions as a stand-alone x-ray, a Fluoroscope (motion picture x-ray) in addition to a CT with 3D rendering and post-acquisition image enhancement capabilities. 

See the Vimago™ Fluoroscope action with the following Swallow Study. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging is located in Pleasant Hill, CA and is convenient to Highways 680, 24 and 242. Visit our website for more information or call 925-265-8385

 3D rendering of a Canine Skull

3D rendering of a Canine Skull, post processing view with soft tissue digitally excluded

With the Epica™ Vimago™ Bay Area Veterinarians and pet owners now have Accessible, Affordable Advanced Imaging options not previously available to them. Same day appointments are often available and CT studies cost a fraction of previous technologies.

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2489 Hits

High Intensity Laser Therapy for Bay Area Pets

High Intensity Laser Therapy for Bay Area Pets

Many studies have demonstrated the positive healing effects of High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) for acute and chronic conditions in humans. Laser therapy is an Alternative Medicine non-drug strategy for reduction of pain, inflammation and a stimulus for healing and regeneration of tissues. Up until recently pet patients have not had access to remarkable Laser Healing Technologies. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging now offers HILT therapy for San Francisco Bay Area dogs and cats at our Pleasant Hill, CA location.

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2921 Hits

High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT)

High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT)

I discovered a California Poppy in bloom on Thanksgiving Day. Unusual for this time of year. That little poppy seed must have received everything it needed to germinate, put down roots, grow stems and leaves and bloom. In fact, Northern California has had the benefit of early and frequent rains this fall while enjoying sunny warm weather.

Given the nutrients it needed, the Poppy used the light energy of the sun to fuel its cellular powerhouse and flower much earlier than expected.

Like the poppy seed, cells undergoing inflammation are lying in wait of the right stimuli to awaken and flourish. Tissues undergoing inflammation have myriad cells who are lacking the vital nutrients such as glucose, Oxygen and other micronutrients needed to sustain their activities. Tissues in areas of inflammation bank their energy producing machinery and go into virtual states of hibernation.

Enter High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT). Energy, in the form of light, is delivered to cells in tissues that are mired in inflammation. Chromophores absorb this light energy and use it to restart cellular energy producing pathways. Increased production of ATP (the cellular energy source) results. Nitric Oxide is released, which promotes vasodilation and the delivery of vital nutrients to cells as well as the reduction of edema (waste-laden fluid that accumulates with inflammation). Once the cellular energy cycle gets going, RNA and DNA transcription increases and cells are once again contributing to the healing and regeneration of tissues and at a much faster rate than they might without HILT.

We utilize the Epica™ Artemis™ High Intensity Laser device at Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging. This remarkable machine operates at a unique 1064 nanometer wavelength of light. Light at this wavelength is not appreciably absorbed by water, hemoglobin or pigment. This allows for the Artemis™ to deliver its Laser light energy much more deeply and at higher intensities than other devices. With Artemis™ beneficial laser light becomes a new therapeutic treatment modality for internal organs and tissues experiencing the effects of inflammation. The Artemis™ thus uses not only photothermal and photochemical strategies for treatment; Artemis™ adds photomechanical activity, an effect not seen with other laser devices. Photomechanical light therapy awakens cell responsiveness by using light energy to stimulate the cellular cytoskeleton, the carbon-based structure that runs all through cells from the cell membrane to the nucleus. When delivered at the right frequency (wavelength), intensity and depth laser light therapy stimulates cells to arise from quiescent states and jumpstarts metabolism. HILT contributes to faster recovery from inflammation and accelerated healing and regeneration. Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging custom tailors treatments for individual patients for delivery of therapeutic light energy to tissues in need.

Veterinary Healing & Advanced Imaging
Pet Laser Therapy
1945 Contra Costa Blvd., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

For more information go to

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